RESTful WebLogic Monitoring of Servers, Applications, JDBC and JMS with Jolokia

[This posting will be a part of my upcoming WebLogic 12c book]

This article is part II of III. Make sure you read part I explaining the basics of monitoring WebLogic with WLST, the WebLogic 12c REST-ful management API and the open source framework Jolokia.

There will be a part III in a few of days, explaining how to use j4psh with WebLogic. j4psh is a JMX shell that resembles WLST in interactive mode but includes features such as syntax highlighting and tab-completion of commands and MBean names. j4psh is highly useful to interactively find out the correct MBean names used for the requests below.

WebLogic with Jolokia

Did you ever wonder how to retrieve the configuration values for a WebLogic managed server, runtime data of a JDBC connection pool or the number of messages in a particular JMS queue with a fast and simple HTTP GET?

The examples show typical use cases for monitoring a WebLogic domain with the following configuration:

– Admin server running at localhost:7001
– Managed server with name surf1 running at localhost:7003
– JDBC datasource with the name emergencyDB and associated connection pool (target set to surf1)
– JMS configuration with a JMS server surfJMS running on managed server surf1, a module surfJMSModule containing a queue name jms/ShippingRequestQueue (target of JMS server is surf1, JMS module subdeployment set to surfJMS)
– A deployment of a web service with the name SubmitOrder and target AdminServer and surf1.

An installation of Jolokia with target set to all server of the domain is recommended to follow the examples in this part.


General: List Configuration Details of Managed Server with Name surf1


Note, that without the ?ignoreErrors=true parameter the request would fail with an “NoAccessRuntimeException” because you cannot access the SSL keystore passphrases without proper authentication. Authentication is easily possible, but beyond of the scope of this article.

{ "request" : { "mbean" : "com.bea:Name=surf1,Type=Server",
      "type" : "read"
  "status" : 200,
  "timestamp" : 1334778534,
  "value" : { "AcceptBacklog" : 300,
      "AddWorkManagerThreadsByCpuCount" : false,
      "AdminReconnectIntervalSeconds" : 10,
      "AdministrationPort" : 9002,
      "AdministrationPortEnabled" : false,
      "AdministrationProtocol" : "t3s",
      "AutoKillIfFailed" : false,
      "AutoMigrationEnabled" : false,
      "AutoRestart" : true,
      "COM" : { "objectName" : "com.bea:Name=surf1,Server=surf1,Type=COM" },
      "COMEnabled" : false,
      "CandidateMachines" : [  ],
      "ClasspathServletDisabled" : false,
      "ClientCertProxyEnabled" : false,
      "Cluster" : { "objectName" : "com.bea:Name=surfCluster,Type=Cluster" },
      "ClusterRuntime" : null,
      "ClusterWeight" : 100,
      "CoherenceClusterSystemResource" : null,
      "CompleteCOMMessageTimeout" : -1,
      "CompleteHTTPMessageTimeout" : -1,
      "CompleteIIOPMessageTimeout" : -1,
      "CompleteMessageTimeout" : 60,
      "CompleteT3MessageTimeout" : -1,
      "ConnectTimeout" : 0,
      "ConsensusProcessIdentifier" : -1,
      "ConsoleInputEnabled" : false,
      "CustomIdentityKeyStoreFileName" : null,
      "CustomIdentityKeyStorePassPhrase" : "ERROR: Access to sensitive attribute in clear text is not allowed due to the setting of ClearTextCredentialAccessEnabled attribute in SecurityConfigurationMBean. Attr: CustomIdentityKeyStorePassPhrase, MBean name: com.bea:Name=surf1,Type=Server (class",
      "CustomIdentityKeyStorePassPhraseEncrypted" : "ERROR: Access not allowed for subject: principals=[], on ResourceType: Server Action: read, Target: CustomIdentityKeyStorePassPhraseEncrypted (class",
      "CustomIdentityKeyStoreType" : null,
      "CustomTrustKeyStoreFileName" : null,
      "CustomTrustKeyStorePassPhrase" : "ERROR: Access to sensitive attribute in clear text is not allowed due to the setting of ClearTextCredentialAccessEnabled attribute in SecurityConfigurationMBean. Attr: CustomTrustKeyStorePassPhrase, MBean name: com.bea:Name=surf1,Type=Server (class",
      "CustomTrustKeyStorePassPhraseEncrypted" : "ERROR: Access not allowed for subject: principals=[], on ResourceType: Server Action: read, Target: CustomTrustKeyStorePassPhraseEncrypted (class",
      "CustomTrustKeyStoreType" : null,
      "DGCIdlePeriodsUntilTimeout" : 5,
      "DataSource" : { "objectName" : "com.bea:Name=surf1,Server=surf1,Type=DataSource" },
      "DefaultFileStore" : { "objectName" : "com.bea:Name=surf1,Server=surf1,Type=DefaultFileStore" },
      "DefaultIIOPPassword" : "ERROR: Access to sensitive attribute in clear text is not allowed due to the setting of ClearTextCredentialAccessEnabled attribute in SecurityConfigurationMBean. Attr: DefaultIIOPPassword, MBean name: com.bea:Name=surf1,Type=Server (class",
      "DefaultIIOPPasswordEncrypted" : "ERROR: Access not allowed for subject: principals=[], on ResourceType: Server Action: read, Target: DefaultIIOPPasswordEncrypted (class",
      "DefaultIIOPUser" : null,
      "DefaultInternalServletsDisabled" : false,
      "DefaultProtocol" : "t3",
      "DefaultSecureProtocol" : "t3s",
      "DefaultTGIOPPassword" : "ERROR: Access to sensitive attribute in clear text is not allowed due to the setting of ClearTextCredentialAccessEnabled attribute in SecurityConfigurationMBean. Attr: DefaultTGIOPPassword, MBean name: com.bea:Name=surf1,Type=Server (class",
      "DefaultTGIOPPasswordEncrypted" : "ERROR: Access not allowed for subject: principals=[], on ResourceType: Server Action: read, Target: DefaultTGIOPPasswordEncrypted (class",
      "DefaultTGIOPUser" : "guest",
      "ExecuteQueues" : [  ],
      "ExpectedToRun" : true,
      "ExternalDNSName" : null,
      "ExtraEjbcOptions" : null,
      "ExtraRmicOptions" : null,
      "FederationServices" : { "objectName" : "com.bea:Name=surf1,Server=surf1,Type=FederationServices" },
      "GatheredWritesEnabled" : false,
      "GracefulShutdownTimeout" : 0,
      "HealthCheckIntervalSeconds" : 180,
      "HealthCheckStartDelaySeconds" : 120,
      "HealthCheckTimeoutSeconds" : 60,
      "HostsMigratableServices" : true,
      "HttpTraceSupportEnabled" : false,
      "HttpdEnabled" : true,
      "IIOP" : { "objectName" : "com.bea:Name=surf1,Server=surf1,Type=IIOP" },
      "IIOPEnabled" : true,
      "IIOPTxMechanism" : "ots",
      "IdleConnectionTimeout" : 65,
      "IdleIIOPConnectionTimeout" : -1,
      "IdlePeriodsUntilTimeout" : 4,
      "IgnoreSessionsDuringShutdown" : false,
      "InstrumentStackTraceEnabled" : true,
      "InterfaceAddress" : null,
      "JDBCLLRTableName" : null,
      "JDBCLoggingEnabled" : false,
      "JDBCLoginTimeoutSeconds" : 0,
      "JMSDefaultConnectionFactoriesEnabled" : true,
      "JMSThreadPoolSize" : 15,
      "JNDITransportableObjectFactoryList" : [  ],
      "JTAMigratableTarget" : { "objectName" : "com.bea:Name=surf1,Server=surf1,Type=JTAMigratableTarget" },
      "JavaCompiler" : "javac",
      "JavaCompilerPostClassPath" : null,
      "JavaCompilerPreClassPath" : null,
      "JavaStandardTrustKeyStorePassPhrase" : "ERROR: Access to sensitive attribute in clear text is not allowed due to the setting of ClearTextCredentialAccessEnabled attribute in SecurityConfigurationMBean. Attr: JavaStandardTrustKeyStorePassPhrase, MBean name: com.bea:Name=surf1,Type=Server (class",
      "JavaStandardTrustKeyStorePassPhraseEncrypted" : "ERROR: Access not allowed for subject: principals=[], on ResourceType: Server Action: read, Target: JavaStandardTrustKeyStorePassPhraseEncrypted (class",
      "KernelDebug" : { "objectName" : "com.bea:Name=surf1,Server=surf1,Type=ServerDebug" },
      "KeyStores" : "DemoIdentityAndDemoTrust",
      "ListenAddress" : "",
      "ListenDelaySecs" : 0,
      "ListenPort" : 7003,
      "ListenPortEnabled" : true,
      "ListenThreadStartDelaySecs" : 60,
      "ListenersBindEarly" : false,
      "Log" : { "objectName" : "com.bea:Name=surf1,Server=surf1,Type=Log" },
      "LogRemoteExceptionsEnabled" : false,
      "LoginTimeoutMillis" : 5000,
      "LowMemoryGCThreshold" : 5,
      "LowMemoryGranularityLevel" : 5,
      "LowMemorySampleSize" : 10,
      "LowMemoryTimeInterval" : 3600,
      "MSIFileReplicationEnabled" : false,
      "Machine" : null,
      "ManagedServerIndependenceEnabled" : true,
      "MaxCOMMessageSize" : -1,
      "MaxHTTPMessageSize" : -1,
      "MaxIIOPMessageSize" : -1,
      "MaxMessageSize" : 10000000,
      "MaxOpenSockCount" : -1,
      "MaxT3MessageSize" : -1,
      "MessageIdPrefixEnabled" : false,
      "MessagingBridgeThreadPoolSize" : 5,
      "MuxerClass" : null,
      "NMSocketCreateTimeoutInMillis" : 180000,
      "Name" : "surf1",
      "NativeIOEnabled" : true,
      "NetworkAccessPoints" : [  ],
      "Notes" : null,
      "OutboundEnabled" : false,
      "OutboundPrivateKeyEnabled" : false,
      "OverloadProtection" : { "objectName" : "com.bea:Name=surf1,Server=surf1,Type=OverloadProtection" },
      "Parent" : { "objectName" : "com.bea:Name=surfandconsulting,Type=Domain" },
      "PeriodLength" : 60000,
      "PreferredSecondaryGroup" : null,
      "ReliableDeliveryPolicy" : null,
      "ReplicationGroup" : null,
      "ReplicationPorts" : null,
      "RestartDelaySeconds" : 0,
      "RestartIntervalSeconds" : 3600,
      "RestartMax" : 2,
      "ReverseDNSAllowed" : false,
      "SSL" : { "objectName" : "com.bea:Name=surf1,Server=surf1,Type=SSL" },
      "ScatteredReadsEnabled" : false,
      "SelfTuningThreadPoolSizeMax" : 400,
      "SelfTuningThreadPoolSizeMin" : 1,
      "ServerDebug" : { "objectName" : "com.bea:Name=surf1,Server=surf1,Type=ServerDebug" },
      "ServerDiagnosticConfig" : { "objectName" : "com.bea:Name=surf1,Server=surf1,Type=WLDFServerDiagnostic" },
      "ServerLifeCycleTimeoutVal" : 30,
      "ServerStart" : { "objectName" : "com.bea:Name=surf1,Server=surf1,Type=ServerStart" },
      "ServerVersion" : "unknown",
      "SingleSignOnServices" : { "objectName" : "com.bea:Name=surf1,Server=surf1,Type=SingleSignOnServices" },
      "SocketBufferSizeAsChunkSize" : false,
      "SocketReaders" : -1,
      "StagingDirectoryName" : "/u01/domains/surfandconsulting/servers/surf1/stage",
      "StagingMode" : "stage",
      "StartupMode" : "RUNNING",
      "StartupTimeout" : 0,
      "StuckThreadMaxTime" : 600,
      "StuckThreadTimerInterval" : 60,
      "SystemPasswordEncrypted" : "ERROR: Access not allowed for subject: principals=[], on ResourceType: Server Action: read, Target: SystemPasswordEncrypted (class",
      "TGIOPEnabled" : true,
      "ThreadPoolPercentSocketReaders" : 33,
      "TimedOutRefIsolationTime" : 0,
      "TransactionLogFilePrefix" : "./",
      "TransactionLogFileWritePolicy" : "Direct-Write",
      "TransactionLogJDBCStore" : { "objectName" : "com.bea:Name=surf1,Server=surf1,Type=TransactionLogJDBCStore" },
      "TunnelingClientPingSecs" : 45,
      "TunnelingClientTimeoutSecs" : 40,
      "TunnelingEnabled" : false,
      "Type" : "Server",
      "UploadDirectoryName" : "./servers/surf1/upload",
      "Use81StyleExecuteQueues" : false,
      "UseConcurrentQueueForRequestManager" : false,
      "UseFusionForLLR" : false,
      "VerboseEJBDeploymentEnabled" : "false",
      "VirtualMachineName" : "surfandconsulting_surf1",
      "WebServer" : { "objectName" : "com.bea:Name=surf1,Server=surf1,Type=WebServer" },
      "WebService" : { "objectName" : "com.bea:Name=surf1,Server=surf1,Type=WebService" },
      "WeblogicPluginEnabled" : false,
      "XMLEntityCache" : null,
      "XMLRegistry" : null

Deployment: List all Deployments

{ "request" : { "mbean" : "com.bea:Type=ApplicationRuntime,*",
 "type" : "search"
 "status" : 200,
 "timestamp" : 1334780578,
 "value" : [ "com.bea:Name=mejb,ServerRuntime=AdminServer,Type=ApplicationRuntime",

Deployment: List Deployments Details for an Application with the Name SubmitOrder

{ "request" : { "mbean" : "com.bea:Name=SubmitOrder,ServerRuntime=*,Type=ApplicationRuntime",
      "type" : "read"
  "status" : 200,
  "timestamp" : 1334777478,
  "value" : { "com.bea:Name=SubmitOrder,ServerRuntime=AdminServer,Type=ApplicationRuntime" : { "ActiveVersionState" : 2,
          "ApplicationName" : "SubmitOrder",
          "ApplicationVersion" : null,
          "ClassRedefinitionRuntime" : null,
          "CoherenceClusterRuntime" : null,
          "ComponentRuntimes" : [ { "objectName" : "com.bea:ApplicationRuntime=SubmitOrder,Name=AdminServer_/SubmitOrder,ServerRuntime=AdminServer,Type=WebAppComponentRuntime" } ],
          "EAR" : false,
          "HealthState" : { "critical" : false,
              "mBeanName" : null,
              "mBeanType" : null,
              "reasonCode" : [  ],
              "state" : 0,
              "subsystemName" : null
          "KodoPersistenceUnitRuntimes" : [  ],
          "LibraryRuntimes" : null,
          "MaxThreadsConstraintRuntimes" : [  ],
          "MinThreadsConstraintRuntimes" : [  ],
          "Name" : "SubmitOrder",
          "OptionalPackageRuntimes" : [  ],
          "Parent" : { "objectName" : "com.bea:Name=AdminServer,Type=ServerRuntime" },
          "PersistenceUnitRuntimes" : [  ],
          "QueryCacheRuntimes" : [  ],
          "RequestClassRuntimes" : [  ],
          "Type" : "ApplicationRuntime",
          "WorkManagerRuntimes" : [ { "objectName" : "com.bea:ApplicationRuntime=SubmitOrder,Name=default,ServerRuntime=AdminServer,Type=WorkManagerRuntime" } ],
          "WseeRuntimes" : [ { "objectName" : "com.bea:ApplicationRuntime=SubmitOrder,Name=SubmitOrder!EntryWSProdService,ServerRuntime=AdminServer,Type=WseeRuntime" },
              { "objectName" : "com.bea:ApplicationRuntime=SubmitOrder,Name=SubmitOrder!EntryWSService,ServerRuntime=AdminServer,Type=WseeRuntime" }
          "WseeV2Runtimes" : [  ]
        } }

JDBC Data Source: Retrieve Settings for emergencyDB Data Source with Target Managed Server surf1 Running at localhost:7003

{ "request" : { "mbean" : "com.bea:Name=emergencyDB,ServerRuntime=surf1,Type=JDBCDataSourceRuntime",
      "type" : "read"
  "status" : 200,
  "timestamp" : 1334823502,
  "value" : { "ActiveConnectionsAverageCount" : 0,
      "ActiveConnectionsCurrentCount" : 0,
      "ActiveConnectionsHighCount" : 1,
      "ConnectionDelayTime" : 44,
      "ConnectionsTotalCount" : 1,
      "CurrCapacity" : 1,
      "CurrCapacityHighCount" : 1,
      "DatabaseProductName" : "Apache Derby",
      "DatabaseProductVersion" : " - (938214)",
      "DeploymentState" : 2,
      "DriverName" : "Apache Derby Network Client JDBC Driver",
      "DriverVersion" : " - (938214)",
      "Enabled" : true,
      "FailedReserveRequestCount" : 0,
      "FailuresToReconnectCount" : 0,
      "HighestNumAvailable" : 1,
      "HighestNumUnavailable" : 1,
      "JDBCDriverRuntime" : { "objectName" : "com.bea:Name=surfandconsulting_surf1_org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver,ServerRuntime=surf1,Type=JDBCDriverRuntime" },
      "LastTask" : null,
      "LeakedConnectionCount" : 0,
      "ModuleId" : "emergencyDB",
      "Name" : "emergencyDB",
      "NumAvailable" : 1,
      "NumUnavailable" : 0,
      "Parent" : { "objectName" : "com.bea:Name=surf1,Type=ServerRuntime" },
      "PrepStmtCacheAccessCount" : 0,
      "PrepStmtCacheAddCount" : 0,
      "PrepStmtCacheCurrentSize" : 0,
      "PrepStmtCacheDeleteCount" : 0,
      "PrepStmtCacheHitCount" : 0,
      "PrepStmtCacheMissCount" : 0,
      "Properties" : "ERROR: MBean getAttribute failed: weblogic.common.resourcepool.ResourcePermissionsException: User \"\" does not have permission to perform operation \"admin\" on resource \"emergencyDB\" of module \"null\" of application \"null\" of type \"ConnectionPool\" (class",
      "ReserveRequestCount" : 1,
      "State" : "Running",
      "Type" : "JDBCDataSourceRuntime",
      "VersionJDBCDriver" : "org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver",
      "WaitSecondsHighCount" : 0,
      "WaitingForConnectionCurrentCount" : 0,
      "WaitingForConnectionFailureTotal" : 0,
      "WaitingForConnectionHighCount" : 0,
      "WaitingForConnectionSuccessTotal" : 0,
      "WaitingForConnectionTotal" : 0,
      "WorkManagerRuntimes" : null

JDBC Connection Pool: Find all JMS Servers with Target set to Managed Server Running at localhost:7003


which returns the JMS server surfJMS:

{ "request" : { "mbean" : "com.bea:Name=emergencyDB,ServerRuntime=surf1,Type=JDBCConnectionPoolRuntime",
      "type" : "read"
  "status" : 200,
  "timestamp" : 1334823105,
  "value" : { "ActiveConnectionsAverageCount" : 0,
      "ActiveConnectionsCurrentCount" : 0,
      "ActiveConnectionsHighCount" : 0,
      "ConnectionDelayTime" : 44,
      "ConnectionLeakProfileCount" : 0,
      "ConnectionsTotalCount" : 1,
      "CurrCapacity" : 1,
      "DeploymentState" : 2,
      "Enabled" : true,
      "FailuresToReconnectCount" : 0,
      "HighestNumAvailable" : 1,
      "HighestNumUnavailable" : 0,
      "LeakedConnectionCount" : 0,
      "MaxCapacity" : 15,
      "ModuleId" : "emergencyDB",
      "Name" : "emergencyDB",
      "NumAvailable" : 1,
      "NumUnavailable" : 0,
      "Parent" : { "objectName" : "com.bea:Name=surf1,Type=ServerRuntime" },
      "PoolState" : true,
      "Properties" : "ERROR: MBean getAttribute failed: weblogic.common.resourcepool.ResourcePermissionsException: User \"\" does not have permission to perform operation \"admin\" on resource \"emergencyDB\" of module \"null\" of application \"null\" of type \"ConnectionPool\" (class",
      "State" : "Running",
      "StatementProfileCount" : 0,
      "Type" : "JDBCConnectionPoolRuntime",
      "VersionJDBCDriver" : "org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver",
      "WaitSecondsHighCount" : 0,
      "WaitingForConnectionCurrentCount" : 0,
      "WaitingForConnectionHighCount" : 0,
      "WorkManagerRuntimes" : null

JMS: Find all JMS Servers with Target set to Managed Server Running at localhost:7003


which returns the JMS server surfJMS:


JMS: Runtime Properties for a Particular Queue

Request the MessagesCurrentCount, MessagesHighCount and MessagesReceivedCount for a queue with the name jms/ShippingRequestQueue (note the “!” is used in the URL to escape the “/” character in the queue name) in a JMS module with the name surfJMSModule (note that JMS module and queue name are typically separated in the MBean Name attribute with a “!” which has to be escaped by another “!”).


which returns the following JSON structure.


The output for the queue monitoring shows that there was a total of 3 messages sent, with a maximum of 1 in the queue (because of a deployed receiver retrieving the messages immediately) and currently 0 message in the queue.



  1. Good day,

    Thank you for the information on Jolokia, I have successfully used it to retrieve JMS queue statistics from Weblogic 12.1.1 using Scala and the Jolokia JVM Agent.

    What I would like to do is pause and resume the queues which I have successfully done via Java and the Weblogic JMX runtime objects. So what I probably need to do is get Jolokia JVM Agent to login / register with Weblogic runtime but I am unsure if this is possible.

    Mark P Ashworth

  2. @Mark:

    I haven’t done it yet with Jolokia.

    Using WLST will be easiest for the job, after changing to serverRuntime(),
    1. cd() to the queue in JMSRuntime
    2. cmo.pauseConsumption()

    So try executing pauseConsumption() with Jolokia exec.
    You are lucky it’s on a runtime MBean so at least you can avoid the WLST startEdit(), set(), save(), activate() sequence.

    For authentication check the Jolokia docs, it is provided already in the Jolokia .war file you just have to remove some comments.

    let me know if it works!



  3. @Frank

    I downloaded the jolokia-1.1.1.war and configured it to use the Weblogic administrative role and then was able to perform the pauseConsumption and resumeConsumption operations on the JMSDestinationRuntime MBean.

    Thanks it worked like charm 🙂

  4. Hi Mark,

    brilliant, thanks for letting me know!

    have a great weekend,



  1. […] part II of this posting with examples showing how to use Jolokia to retrieve monitoring values for servers, JDBC and […]

  2. […] Management service vs. open source Jolokia discussion (based on older postings here and here) can be found in my WebLogic […]

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