I will be speaking at CODE in New York!

Stay tuned for more details, but my presentation about Kubernetes was accepted for the CODE conference 2018 in New York City, March 8th. That is of course fantastic news đŸ™‚

In more detail: I will present about the evolution of containers. From Docker, to Swarm, to container orchestrations systems, Kubernetes and managed Kubernetes (such as Oracle Container Engine or others). At the end I guess you will agree that Kubernetes is great and getting better every day, but you won’t like to manage your own Kubernetes cluster. Interesting enough, Bob Quillin summarised my CODE presentation as the new Oracle strategy really well.

Oracle CODE New York

Of course we will have a lot fun fun live coding with Mini, the Raspi cluster again. I plan to demo the setup of the cluster, service deployment, load balancing, failover etc. All this live on stage with hopefully a really big screen for the projection.

Oracle CODE San Francisco Review: From Docker Swarm on a Raspi to Oracle Container Cloud Service (OCCS) with Wercker

Last month I presented at the Oracle CODE event in San Francisco. The presentation included almost 30 minutes of live hacking with Docker Swarm on a Raspberry Pi running Hypriot Linux. I was scheduled to speak at 8.30h in the morning and still an amazing number of 90 people showed up – thanks guys! The presentation was recorded – so you can enjoy it from the comfort of your living room.

The presentation is online here:

You can get the slides from slideshare.com: