OTN Tour Latin America 2016: Peru

Oracle Technology Tour 2016: Lima

I have been there for the second time now, and Lima is always a good to me. I like the city, its food, its people, and the great places to go. This year I was staying closer to the sea and the popular Larcomar.

The Conference

The OTN Lima 2016 conference was in a more central hotel and offered a number of great auditoriums. I gave 2 books away based on the number guessing game that I learned from Heli. Before I gifting them they were perfectly guarded at the ladies at the reception. Seemed like none of my books ever got more attention :-).



Anyway, the audience was really interested in OFM as well. I spoke about What You Should Know about WebLogic 12c (12.2.1) and Docker Containers in the Oracle Universe.

After my presentation I had some good discussions and one even involved me drawing some impromptu technical solution design at the white board. So everyone was happy at the end.

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The Non-Conference Part

With 3 hours left in Lima I headed to one of the best Ceviche places (according to 3 out of 3 cab drivers!) – instead of going directly to the airport with some extra headspace. Obviously I arrived late at the airport but it was worth it. Lovely food, fab atmosphere, great people and good music at the ceviche place place vs. 30 minutes more waiting at the airport. Should I post the name of the restaurant here? Those in the know can tell from the pic I guess.



DevOps tools: http REST client httpie

Doing unplanned things adds fun to our lives. Last year at Open World when heading back to the Hilton I sneaked into a REST session at Java One that I never planned to attend. Honestly, I went there to finish my very late lunch. There I learned about a REST client tool that you should add to your toolbox: http (pronounced “HTTP Pie”, with the brave abbreviation: http).

In short http is more convenient version of curl, for the non-color blind folks. It includes heaps of features, like storing session data that can referenced for following requests, easy specification of JSON values, etc.

Here is an example of its usage with the the new WebLogic 12.2.1 REST interface for administration:

http -a weblogic:welcome1 \ "localhost:7001/management/weblogic/latest/domainRuntime/serverLifeCycleRuntimes/AdminServer?links=none&fields=name,state"


Screen Shot 2016-04-15 at 09.34.54

You read it here first. But also check out my other DevOps tools postings like lsof, high CPU threads, tunnel with ngrok.


WebLogic 12.1.2 Installation in VirtualBox with 0 MHz

The Situation

who_is_listening I just looked at a problem at a customer site installing WebLogic 12.1.2 in a VirtualBox environment. WebLogic 12.1.2 uses – unlike all previous versions of WebLogic – the Oracle Unified Installer (OUI) which first of all seemed to be the problem.



The Problem

Here is what happened in detail:

– The installation failed because the OUI installer is checking the prerequisites and reports all CPUs with 0 MHz. For sure, this is not good enough (even with all the clever energy saving techniques in modern CPUs)

– The key question is whether OUI is buggy or the problem is somewhere else, e.g. in the OS or virtualization layer.


$ grep MHz /proc/cpuinfo

reports indeed 0 MHz for all CPUs. So the problem is not related to OUI but a VirtualBox issue. Still a weird problem. Why would CentOS be running with 0 MHz??

– VirtualBox might report 0 MHz for your CPU in case you selected the wrong chipset for your machine (in our case the developer’s HP laptop). Note, this means that exactly the same VirtualBox image will run fine on different hardware!

To fix it, stop the running guest and change the chipset setting in VirtualBox Manager from the default PIX3 to the non-default ICH9.

bios setting

– Once this is done. Restart the guest image and check again. The CPUs should be reported correctly and OUI will run successfully.

$ grep MHz /proc/cpuinfo 
cpu MHz : 2664.287
cpu MHz : 2664.287
cpu MHz : 2664.287
cpu MHz : 2664.287