Guys, thanks for attending my DOAG training day about Cloudera/Hadoop and Oracle Big data. I am pleased about your amazing feedback!
Statistics about Big Data Training Day
About the course
Attendees had the following opinion about the course when asked right after the training
- 100% of those who answered would recommend the course
- 100% of all found it interesting
- 81% found that content matched their experience
- 86% were happy or very happy with the course (these are the 2 highest grades possible)
- 0% were unhappy
- Everyone except one person (that is 20 people) found the level of difficulty okay.
- Everyone except one person found that they were engaged enough
About myself
The following is what attendees mentioned as feedback about myself (there were no explicit questions about Edelweiss, so she is not included unfortunately). Multiple answers were possible, answers weren’t mandatory. This basically tells that someone making a cross at e.g. informative sincerely means it.
- 86% found me interesting
- 40% entertaining 🙂
- 90% informative
- 71% demonstrative and clear
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