WebLogic Startup Mode: Development or Production? The (hopefully) Complete List of Differences

Let me quickly summarize the all differences between development and production startup mode for WebLogic 12c and previous versions. Information about it is scattered across the Oracle documentation and several blog postings but non of those I checked were complete.


Startup Mode

Development                     Production

Auto deployment
(to admin server only)

Yes No

Automatically created
boot.properties for Admin server only under

Yes No

Nodemanger username and password

default admin

SSL demo certificates cause warning in log files

No Yes

Log file are rotated at server startup

Yes No

On demand deployment of internal applications as default

Yes No

Availability of web service test client

Yes No

Availability of Classloader Analysis Tool

Yes No

Availability of Fast Swap

Yes No

Change Center Enabled

No Yes

Default start parameters
when using Sun JDK and the default
startWebLogic script 



The following settings in the weblogic.xml deployment descriptors default to -1:





No Yes



Differences in previous WebLogic versions:

Up to WebLogic 11:

Default JDK used for new domain

Sun JRockit

Up to WebLogic 8 only:
Default number of execute threads

15 25

Up to WebLogic 8 only:
maximum number of JDBC connections default setting

15 25



There is different ways to configure the WebLogic startup mode:

  1. The startup mode can be configured with the admin console, as shown on the screenshot below (requires a restart). Once it’s set to production mode it cannot be reverted with the admin console.
  2. Supply the -Dweblogic.ProductionModeEnabled=true switch as startup parameter
  3. Set the PRODUCTION_MODE variable in the setDomainEnv script in the directory DOMAIN_NAME/bin.

What you should know

Some issues to be aware of:

  • The differences between the two settings depend on the WebLogic version. This can be a bit confusing when you are running different environments with different versions. See the table above: For WebLogic 8 the maximum number of connections in a JDBC connection pool defaults to 25 in production mode (but 15 in development mode); for WebLogic 12c it defaults to 15 in both cases.
  • You cannot revert to development mode from the WebLogic admin console. It’s like the child-proof lock in the back of your car. I understand that is makes sense to protect the children in the back seat your car from themselves but you are are logged with the admin role – still you cannot revert to development mode using the admin console.
  • Autodeployment is not used that much anymore since it only deploys to the admin server – so it doesn’t make sense for a production domain. What if you are a developer? Then your IDE is deploying to the admin server, that is correct – but your IDE is typically not using autodeployment.
  • Note, that there will be a randomly set user and password for nodemanager when creating your domain in production mode with config.sh (see comments from Jacco).
  • You cannot disable the change center in production mode


Something I forgot? I appreciate your feedback.


[A more detailed discussion with directions will be part of my upcoming WebLogic 12c book]

WebLogic 12c: Node Manager Best Practices

During the last couple of years (and the last couple of WebLogic versions) I collected a number of best practices  regarding WebLogic nodemanager. All of them hold true for WebLogic 12c as well. This posting is not a step-by-step beginners guide and it will not save you from attending some training or studying the Oracle documentation regarding node manager yourself. Anyway, here are some suggestions, check if the apply for your environments:

Node Manager Best Practices


  • At first, take a decision to start servers with or without NM. Note, that  is not absolutely necessary. You can always start your servers with the scripts generated by the config wizzard. I personally know rather big companies building lovely cars who took the decsicion not to use node manager.
  • Would I use nodemanger myself? For an “average” project: yes! Only after configuring node manager you can use the WebLogic admin console to start and stop managed servers and node manager will restart you failed servers as well. However, if you consider restarting you servers automatically because of out-of-memory problems, better read this article about “surviving generations”  to understand how to track down memory leaks and fix them. Anyway, you still want to use node manager.
  • Make sure you understand that nodemanger will use default values to start your servers unless you specify them yourself in the admin console under server startup parameters.
  • Make sure you always start your servers with same startup parameters! This is really important. You end up in deep trouble if you don’t. Believe me.
    Imagine somebody is starting a managed server using the admin console and the provided values there. Next day somebody else starts a server using the provided scripts (which – at least in real life – will never be identical to the startup values configured in the admin console). Now depending on the way the server was started it will behave differently and show erratic behaviour or not.
  • Document and communicate the usage of node manager. Write it down in the operations manual. If you ever hire me as a consultant for some performance tuning it helps to know if you are actually using node manager or not.
  • Don’t forget to enroll new machines for NM usingnmEnroll()
  • A good way to overcome the potential problem with  startup parameters configured in admin console is to use:
    [file: nodemanger.properties]startScriptEnabled=true

    Then node manager will use the generated start script and you do not need to configure startup values in the admin server console.

  • If you are not using SSL for your domain the default option for node manager to use encrypted communication does not make that much sense for you. Disable it. On the admin server site switcht to “plain text” for node manager communication and in the node manager.properties located in WL_HOME/common/nodemanager set
  • If you decide to use SSL for the node manager communication, get correct certificates! The demo certificate will not work in a distributed system. Make sure the hostnames in the certificates are correct. If they are not correct, you may want to consider disabling host name verification on the admin server (which is the client for the node manager).
  • Remember that node manager is not part of the domain. Still you can check the node manager status and and see the logs directly from the WebLogic admin console.

Some homework for Oracle 😉 Here is my personal wishlist for WebLogic Server 13f:

  1. Enable plain text communication for node manager as default. Why should it be SSL?
  2. Set start/stopScriptEnabled as default. This will cause less confusion.

Any settings you would like to share? Something to argue? Let me know.