Publications of Dr. Frank Munz
[1] F. Munz, T. Ludwig, A. Bode, S. Ziegler, and M. Schwaiger. Effiziente Scheduling-Algorithmen fuer datenparallele Anwendungen der funktionellen medizinischen Bildgebung auf NOWs.
Bildverarbeitung in der Medizin 2000.
[2] F. Munz, T. Ludwig, S. Ziegler, P. Bartenstein, M. Schwaiger, and A. Bode. Performance assessment of parallel spectral analysis: Towards a practical performance model for parallel medical applications.
In P. Sloot, M. Buback, A. Hoekstra, and B. Hertzberger, editors, Proceedings of High-Performance Computing and Networking, volume 1593 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 430-439, Bruessel, Belgien, April 1999. Springer Verlag.
[3] F. Munz, T. Stephan, U. Maier, T. Ludwig, A. Bode, S. Ziegler, S. Nekolla, P. Bartenstein, and M. Schwaiger. Improved functional imaging through network based parallel processing.
In D.K. Panda and C.B. Stunkel, editors, Network-Based Parallel Computing – Communication, Architecture, and Applications (Proceedings of the CANPC’98 Las Vegas), volume 1362 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 88-97. Springer, February 1998.
[4] F. Munz, V. Cunningham, M. May, S. Ziegler, S. Nekolla, M. Schwaiger, T. Ludwig, and A. Bode. Parallel spectral analysis. In R. Frackowiak A. Toga and J. Mazziotta, editors,
NeuroImage – The Second International Symposium on Functional Neuroreceptor Mapping of Living Brain, volume 7, page A29, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA, May 1998. Academic Press.
[5] F. Munz, T. Stephan, U. Maier, T. Ludwig, A. Bode, S. Ziegler, S. Nekolla, P. Bartenstein, and M. Schwaiger. NOW Based Parallel Reconstruction of Functional Images.
In Bob Werner, editor, Proceedings of the First Merged International Parallel Processing Symposium and Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing, pages 210-214, Los Alamitos, California, USA, April 1998. IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Parallel Processing.
[6] F. Munz, S. Nekolla, T. Ludwig, S. Ziegler, D. Schad, A. Bode, and M. Schwaiger. A parallel reconstruction tool for PET data using penalized weighted least square algorithm (PWLS).
In Journal of Nuclear Medicine, volume 37, page 154P. Society of Nuclear Medicine, May 1996.
[7] P. Bartenstein, T. Kaufmann, T. Siessmeier, A. Berthele, F. Munz, B. Conrad, and T.R. Toelle. Individual differences in cerebral response to tonic heat pain: A PET activation study.
NeuroImage, 5:221, 1997.
[8] P. Bartenstein, T.R. Toelle, T. Siessmayer, T. Kaufmann, A. Berthele, S. Lautenschlager, F. Munz, B. Conrad, and M. Schwaiger. Zentrale Antwort auf tonische thermische Schmerzreizung: Eine PET-Studie.
Journal of Nuclear-Medicine, 36:A23, 1997.
[9] H. Boecker, A. Ceballos-Baumann, T. Faßbender, P. Bartenstein, A. Weindl, H. Siebner, F. Munz, and B. Conrad. Untersuchungen mit H2O-15 PET zur zentralen Verarbeitung eines konstanten unilateralen Vibrationsstimulus: Hinweise auf eine direkte Beteiligung der Basalganglien.
In 70. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft fuer Neurologie, volume 24 of Akt. Neurologie, page 24, 1997.
[10] A. Ceballos-Baumann, H. Boecker, P. Bartenstein, I. von Falkenhayn, H. Siebner, F. Munz, B. Conrad, N. Diederich, M.Pinter, J.R. Moringlane, and F. Alesch. Chronische tiefe Hirnstimulation fuer essentiellen Tremor und fuer Akinesie bei Morbus Parkinson: Differentielle Modulation des motorischen Cortex.
Aktuelle Neurologie, (24):10, 1997.
[11] G. Meisetschlaeger, W. Weber, S. Ziegler, F. Munz, G. Glatz, S. Spiegel, N. Avril, and M. Schwaiger. Influence of reconstruction methods on image contrast in whole-body PET studies with F-18 FDG.
In Journal of Nulcear Medicine (Supplement), Proceedings of SNM 46th Annual Meeting, volume 40, page 147P, May 1999. No. 594.
[12] Martin Schulz, Martin Voelk, Wolfgang Karl, Frank Munz, and Sibylle Ziegler. Running a spectral analysis code on top of SCI shared memory using the TreadMarks API.
In SCI-Europe ’99, Toulouse, France (conference stream of Euro-Par ’99), September 1999.
[13] T. Toelle, T. Kaufmann, T. Siessmeier, S. Lautenbacher, A. Berthele, F. Munz, W. Zieglgaensberger, F. Willoch, M. Schwaiger, B. Conrad, and P. Bartenstein. Region-specific encoding of sensory and affective components of pain in the human brain: A positron emission tomography correlation analysis.
Annals of Neurology, 45(1), January 1999.
[14] T.R. Toelle, P. Bartenstein, A. Berthele, F. Munz, M. Schwaiger, and B. Conrad. PET studies of tonic heat pain: correlation analysis with pain threshold and pain intensity reveals region specific cerebral activation.
In 70. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft fuer Neurologie, volume 24 of Akt. Neurologie, page 24, 1997.
[15] F. Willoch, P. Bartenstein, K. Buch, F. Munz, S. Minoshima, A. Kurz, and M. Schwaiger. The level of education has an effect on language performance in Alzheimer patients.
Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 38:95, 1997.
[16] F. Willoch, C. Schuetz, H.J. Wester, M. Soyka, F. Munz, M. Schwaiger, and P. Bartenstein. Opioid receptor binding changes in alcohol depdendent males during detoxification and in comparison to control.
In Journal of Nulcear Medicine (Supplement), Proceedings of SNM 46th Annual Meeting, volume 40, page 111P, Los Angeles, California, USA, May 1999. No. 448.
[17] F. Willoch, T. R. Toelle, H. J. Wester, F. Munz, A. Petzold, M. Schwaiger, B. Conrad, and P. Bartenstein. Central pain after pontine infarction is associated with changes in opiod receotor binding: A PET study with 11-C diprenorphine.
American Journal of Neuroradiology, 20(427):145-149, April 1999.
[18] De Villiers EM, Wagner D., Schneider A., Wesch H., Munz F., Miklaw H., zur Hausen H. Human papillomavirus DNA in women without and with cytological abnormalities: results of a 5-year follow-upstudy.
Gynecol Oncol. 1992 Jan;44(1):33-9.