When creating a Service Bus pipeline in JDeveloper 12.2.1 for Oracle Service Bus 12.2.1, based on a typed, one-way business service (either one way WSDL based, or Messaging Service with XML request and XSD type with reply NONE business service) the pipeline won’t correctly use the request message type. It’s annoying because you cannot easily create expressions based on the request type, such as drilling open the $body variable, e.g. for an Order containing a shipping ID. All that is displayed within the pipeline is $body.
This happens although the pipeline configuration displays the correct XSD, eg. OrderType.xsd and the correct Type, eg. OrderType.
I am quite surprised because this is not a very unusual use case. Anyway I couldn’t find a work around for JDeveloper 12.2.1 (let me know if you know one!). Interestingly, testing a proxy service based on the business service works all right (so maybe the bug slipped in when the pipeline construct was separated from the proxy service? just guessing.)
It is possible to work with the good old Service Bus web console /sbconsole. There everything is fine, i.e. the correct structure of the request message is displayed. The working Service Bus console is another indication that the way JDeveloper does it is broken.
Don’t get me wrong. IMHO using the web console is not an acceptable solution.
Update OSB 12c Bug Fix:
I have seen this severe bug to be fixed with OSB patch 22276364 on a Windows system. So far I could not confirm it myself. Let me know if it works for you!
Update OSB :
The patch available for previous versions never worked for me, however the issue is fixed now in OSB All good!
Bug 22582735 is open for this issue.
Same annoying issues here. Thanks for your post Frank!
Good news: We tested again with OSB where this issue seems to fixed now.